Enter Croatia informacije
S ciljem olakšavanja prelaska granice Republike Hrvatske te kako bi naši gosti bili upoznati s epidemiološkim mjerama koje su na snazi u Hrvatskoj, stvorena je web stranica entercroatia.mup.hr Na navedenoj stranici se nalazi online obrazac u koji se upisuju svi...
Dear citizens and tourists,we are informed that, based on the recommendations of the Civil Protection Staff of the Republic of Croatia and the recommendations of the Ministry of Tourism in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the area of Vrhovine, has...
Beware of Trail Bears
"Beware of Trail Bears" is new trail race organized by SU Izohipsa in co-operation with "Beware of Bear Zipline". Date of the race is September 22nd, 2019 while location is in beautiful Rudopolje near Vrhovine in Lika region.In first edition of this race we will offer...
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The Vrhovine Tourist Board wishes a Merry Christmas to its citizens that celebrate Christ's birth according to the new Gregorian calendar and blessed times of love, peace and prosperity with your loved ones. Adresa : TZO-Vrhovine Senjska 48, Vrhovine, 53223 OIB...
COMPETITION for the Selection and Appointment of Director of the Tourist Office of the Vrhovine Tourist Board
Pursuant to Article 17, paragraph 1, item 6 of the Law on Tourist Boards and the Promotion of Croatian Tourism (Official Gazette, No. 152/08) of Article 1 of the Ordinance on special conditions to be fulfilled by employees in a tourist office of the tourist board of a...
Visiting Plitvice lakes in summer – how to prepare yourself
https://np-plitvicka-jezera.hr/posjet-plitvickim-jezerima-ljeti-kako-se-pripremiti/ https://np-plitvicka-jezera.hr/en/visiting-plitvice-lakes-in-summer-how-to-prepare-yourself/ Adresa : TZO-Vrhovine Senjska 48, Vrhovine, 53223 OIB : 39290995266 Kontakt :...
Adress :
Senjska 46,
Vrhovine, 53223
OIB : 39290995266
Contact :
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +385 (53) 775 010
Fax: +385 (53) 775 601